Monday, November 2, 2009

Media Saves The Beach: Critique A Professional Example

This is the Three Prisoners. It is successful because it is making of a feeling of something, and is made well, with metal. Professional and all, because the prisoners have very emotive faces. And look like insects. The cages are hanging from a scale. The message is of prisoners, and the importance/weight of idea.
I would think that the intended audience is people who are struggling with something, or feel trapped by something. It makes me feel odd, and in a way motivated but I'm not sure what I feel motivated about. Odd...
Specific elements come together to show a larger picture of being caught in something and it is pulling and there are others, and it is important. It is also just nice to look at.
The technique of using creatures that make you feel something for them, with their faces that look so human and their hunched over frames, they make you relate to them. That is what the artist did. And their hands, yes, their hands, are so frail. Frail hands makes me want to help.
I chose it because of how it makes me feel. And because it is very conveying and beautiful. And it is made nicely. Also, it uses old things to make a new thing, I like that.

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