Monday, September 14, 2009

Optional Assignment 14/9/09

1. The phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is not creditable to only Thomas Jefferson, but to John Locke as well. John Locke wrote the original phrase, "life, liberty, and property", and Jefferson replaced the third term. The meaning before it arrived in the colonies was that the government had certain responsibilities to the people.

2. The Federalist Papers were a collection of articles published to convince people to ratify the constitution. They were written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay. The Federalist Papers said a variety things, including that the present Confederation could not preserve the Union, the Union will bring political prosperity, and that the constitution conforms to republican ideas.

3. John Locke, obviously because of his idea of inalienable rights. Also Montesquieu's idea of the separation of powers. And for a third, Rosseau's idea that the authority lies with the people.

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